Management Solutions - Re-Boot Your Time Management Systems

A Series of Guides & Tips for Effective Managers

As managers, we’re constantly running up a hill of to-do lists and surprise tasks that appear out of nowhere.

Struggles with time management are all too common, and we can often feel like it’s impossible to get on top of things.

It is possible to take control of your time. In this article - the second in our series of Management Solutions articles and guides - we explore ways you can begin getting ahead of the game.

Week 2: Re-Boot Your Time Management Systems

The Problem:

"There aren’t enough hours in the day! I never reach the end of my "to-do" list. My workload is crushing me!"

Let’s Break it Down:

You may think you need time management skills – and you do – but what this actually encompasses includes delegation skills, the ability to prioritise, and the confidence to say “no”.

These are skills that don't come naturally to most, so let's take a look at how you can begin strengthening your time management muscles...

Your 3 Step Solution

Your Time Management Super Skills Start Here

5 minutes

1. Read Up Now:

Our 15 time management tips are practical and verstile, so that you can apply them to any situation.

This article probably takes even less than 5 minutes to read, so it's extra efficient!

2 days

2. Fine Tune Your Skills:

Our 2-day Management Training Course has an entire module dedicated to key management skills including:

  • Planning and organising

  • Time management

  • Delegation skills and work allocation

3. Practise and Reflect:

Once you’ve armed yourself with tips and guidance from training and reading resources, it’s time to put everything into action.

Work on key strategies, such as pausing before saying “yes” to a request, limiting the amount of times you check email throughout the day, and monitoring your time for a set period of days.
Take Action Today

Start Improving Your Time Management Today

Click below to instantly view and download our PDF Brochure for Management Skills training, or to reserve your place on an upcoming course.

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QQI People Management Course

  • Certification: QQI Level 6
  • Award Code: 6N3945
  • Gain: Practical Skills + Certification
  • Locations: Dublin, Online, Onsite
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